The Trust for Public Land

The Trust for Public Land (TPL) is a land conservation nonprofit founded in 1972 by Huey Johnson and based in San Francisco, California in the United States. TPL works throughout the United States to conserve land for people as parks, gardens, and other natural places.


TPL Conservation Initiatives

TPL conserves land across all types of landscapes. Its five initiative areas are:

Along with The Nature Conservancy, TPL has helped orchestrate the Montana Legacy Project.

TPL Conservation Services

The conservation of land may involve more than real estate expertise. For example, TPL offers these services:


Since 1972, TPL has completed more than 3,900 land conservation projects in 46 states protecting more than 2.8 million acres (8000 km²).

Since 1996, TPL has helped states and communities craft and pass more than 350 ballot measures generating over $25 billion in new conservation-related funding.

In the 2007-2008 fiscal year, TPL helped to plan and construct 15 parks and playgrounds.[1]


TPL produces many resources to support land conservation including,

Research Centers

Land&People Magazine

Land&People, TPL's national magazine, is a free publication which provides information about projects across the United States which TPL has undertaken. It can be viewed online Here.

See also


  1. ^ TPL 2008 Fiscal Year Annual Report, Page 3

External links